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Order Shipped To India Address:

We want you to love what you have ordered from us, but if something went wrong, let us know by contacting our customer care and sending an email with bill and product details. we will issue you a discount coupon through which you can purchase another product. You will have to return the product and after we receive your product a discount coupon will be issued to you with which you will be able to place a new order of same or another product.

In the unlikely event that any product you have ordered from us is received with manufacturing defects, or if product delivered is different from what you had ordered, you may return the product. For the process of return, the product should be unused and in the same condition as you received it with its original packaging & the tags. The product return is valid within 7 days from the date on which these goods were delivered.

We do not return or exchange some products which will be mentioned in products details page, once dispatched, unless it is a manufacturing defect.

Easy Online Domestic Returns And Exchanges

For return courier/transport charges to be beared by the purchaser.

Kindly mention the tracking number on the return package

1. Take a copy of the order sheet and wrap on the product you are returning.

2. Pack the item you wish to return in the original delivery package, please ensure that the product is unused and in the same condition as you received it in and all the tags of the product are in place.

3. Insert the order sheet and ensure that the parcel is packed properly.

4. The reverse pick-up number and the address should be mentioned on the top of the parcel.

5. Once we receive the returned product, We will issue you a discount coupon through which you can make a new purchase. We will then despatch your new product that you have chosen from our website and provided the product code to our customer care department by e-mail. No refund of money to be given against any product.

6. Online orders can be returned within 7 days of order delivery

Easy In-Store Exchanges

Alternatively, you can exchange the product for another product at any of our exclusive stores located nearest to you. 

Visit any store within 7 days from the date of receiving the order for an exchange.

Please make note of the following points before visiting the store for a hassle-free exchange process:

1. Kindly carry the invoice copy along with the unused products & the tags intact.

2. If the newly selected product value is more than the originally purchased product value, then you may have to pay the difference amount. The newly selected products amount should not be less than the orginal product purchase. No monetory refund is applicable.